Viso Lemon Powder Laundry Detergent 3KG


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Viso Lemon Powder Laundry Detergent 3KG

Formulated with light to help bright white clothes, maintain the brightness, at the same time safe, soft with the skin.

Viso Lemon Powder Laundry Detergent  technology penetrates deep into each fiber to help wash off all dirty laundry.

White scent and mild lily help to remove odors for a long time.

User manual:

Separate white clothes and colored clothes.

Washing machine: Use 2 spoonfuls of detergent for each wash, adjust for the amount and stain of clothing.

Hand wash: dissolve one tablespoon of detergent in 3-4 liters of water. Soak your clothes for 30 minutes to get the best effect. Drain 2-3 times

Brand: Viso

Country Of Origin: Vietnam


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