Goldbones- Joint Supplement


  • Reduces inflammation and joint pain
  • Promotes mobility and flexibility
  • Replenishes vital joint lubricants
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: +84904 889881 - +84943 779795

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Are you suffering from tender, aching joints? Do you experience back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain or hip and joint pain due to long hours at work? Do you wish you could easily engage in the same activities you used to when you were younger? Joint pain can influence what you do everyday – try not to let it. Taking control starts with understanding.

Your hard-working joints provide you with movement, flexibility and stability. It’s easy to take your joint health for granted in your younger years, but as we get older, we realize how precious our mobility truly is. Due to aging, working for long hours, or exercising, cartilage – which normally protects the joints – breaks down, causing the bones to directly rub against each other, triggering inflammation, pain and swelling.  Symptoms can come and go and include stiffness, loss of flexibility and decreased range of motion.

Luckily our scientists have designed a powerful all-natural joint supplement that can help.

Composition: 1 capsule contains

Glucosamin sulfat: 750mg

Chondroitin sulfat: 10mg

Bromelain: 50mg

Calci gluconat: 40mg

Shark Cartilage: 20mg

Vitamin B1: 1mg

Vitamin B2: 1mg

Magnesium sulfat: 10mg

Other ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerin, Sorbitol, Nipazil, Nipazol, lecithin, palm oil, beeswax, bean oil, titan dioxyd, vanilin


In every form of osteoarthritis, dry joints, difficult movement, aching joint

People with primary and secondary osteoarthritis

People who has muscle injury due to strong sport


1 capsules/day, twice a day after meal


Keep in dry and cool place

Keep out of reach of children




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